A/B testing holistic redesigns can be tough. Here at Indeed, we learned this firsthand when we tried to take our UX from this to this: The Indeed mobile Search Engine Results Page (SERP) circa mid-2017 (left) and circa mid-2018 (right) Detailed description of image The before and after image includes two screenshots: one of […]
All posts from:August 2019
The Evolving Language of Data Science
…or Grokking the Bokeh of Scarse Meaning Increasement “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” — Dr. Inigo Montoya I’m a technical writer at Indeed. One of the many great things about my job is that I get to work with smart people every day. A […]
Recognize Class Imbalance with Baselines and Better Metrics
In my first machine learning course as an undergrad, I built a recommender system. Using a dataset from a social music website, I created a model to predict whether a given user would like a given artist. I was thrilled when initial experiments showed that for 99% of the points in my dataset, I gave […]
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