All posts categorized in: Data Science


Want to Code as an Engineering Manager? Time to Find a Unicorn

Coding as an engineering manager is an exercise in cognitive dissonance. If you’ve just become a manager, you’ve likely been measuring success by the quantity and quality of the code you ship as an individual contributor (IC). Suddenly, you have new metrics for success and your day-to-day work looks wildly different. One mentor tells you […]

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D-Curve: An Improved Method for Defining Non-Contractual Churn with Type I and Type II Errors

Businesses need to know when customers end their business relationships, an act called “churn.” In a subscription business model, a customer churns by actively canceling their contract. The company can therefore detect and record this churn with absolute certainty. But when no explicit contract exists, churn is more passive and difficult to detect. Without any […]

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Time-Tested: 7 Ways to Improve Velocity When A/B Testing a New UX

A/B testing holistic redesigns can be tough. Here at Indeed, we learned this firsthand when we tried to take our UX from this to this:   The Indeed mobile Search Engine Results Page (SERP) circa mid-2017 (left) and circa mid-2018 (right) Detailed description of image The before and after image includes two screenshots: one of […]

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