@IndeedEng 2014 Year In Review

We help people get jobs. That’s our mission at Indeed. And being the #1 job site worldwide challenges each of our engineers to deliver the best job seeker experience at scale. When we launched this blog in 2012, we set out to contribute to the broader software community by sharing what we’ve learned from these challenges.

Response to our @IndeedEng tech talks continues to be strong, with over 700 people attending the series in 2014. And our engineering blog received 59,000 views from 128 countries.

Here’s a brief recap of content we shared in 2014:

Testing and measuring everything is central to our development process at Indeed. We use Proctor, our A/B testing framework, to accomplish this, and we open sourced the framework in 2013. Building on this in 2014, we described Proctor’s features and tools and then wrote about how we integrate Proctor into our development process at Indeed. We also released proctor-pipet, a Java web application that allows you to deploy Proctor as a remote service.

We open sourced util-urlparsing, a Java library we created to parse URL query strings without unnecessary intermediate object creation.

In the first half of 2014, we held several tech talks devoted to Imhotep, our interactive data analytics platform. Imhotep powers data-driven decision making at Indeed and we were excited to talk about the technology: scaling decision trees, building large-scale analytics tools, and using Imhotep to focus on key metrics. Then in November, we open sourced part of the platform and held a tech talk and workshop for attendees to explore their own data in Imhotep.

Being a global company is a challenge we take seriously. We shared our experience of iteratively expanding to new markets and how international success requires solving a diverse set of technical challenges.

Changes coming to the blog and talks pages include translating content into Japanese. Look for more translated posts in the months to come.

We’d like to thank everyone who helped make these accomplishments possible. If you follow the blog and watch our @IndeedEng talks, thank you for your support! We look forward to continuing the conversation in 2015.